6 Day Detox Kit by Xymogen
This kit comes with several items including Opti Cleanse GHI Vanilla shake, Drainage tincture to support kidney and liver function, ColonX to support gastrointestinal regularity and ProbioMax Daily- a probiotic. Also, comes with a Detox Guide and a BPA free shaker. We shopped around and taste-tested several different detox shakes until we found one that had the right ingredients and tasted good! The Opti Cleanse shake is wheat, gluten, yeast, soy and diary free. Kit is priced at $146.99.
Some of us in the clinic participated in the cleanse and here our observations:
- I felt this detox was one of the easiest but most effective detoxes I have done. I didn't experience any headaches or muscle aches as some people so. I continued for 10 days because the first 6 days were so good! - Dr. Michelle Torrance
- I feel so good on the third day. I've noticed I sleep better, my eyes are clearer and my skin is clearer. I just feel so much lighter. I recommend it to everybody looking for a detox! - Stephanie Semler
- In doing this cleanse, I stopped drinking coffee because I only drink it with milk and the guide encourages people to cut out dairy. Since taking out the dairy and using the Opti Cleanse GHI, which helps with inflammation, all the pain in my hands went away! I felt I had been developing arthritis in my hands but it is completely gone since doing this detox program. As a bonus, the shake is delicious! -Chandra Beitner