
Hormone Replacement for Men

In his prime, 95% of a man's testosterone is formed in the testes in response to signals from the brain. But as he ages, these signals to ‘make more testosterone' weaken and hormone levels start to downsize. Excessive stress, weight gain, and lack of exercise can lower testosterone even further, impacting stamina, drive and the virility we associate with the male of the species.

~ ZRT Laboratory

Why would men need hormone replacement therapy?

For various reasons, including stress and the natural aging process, testosterone levels may decline and result in the experience of symptoms such as fatigue, decreased libido and weight gain. Testosterone deficiencies can also affect decision-making ability, self confidence and feelings of security. We specialize in hormone replacement therapy for men to regain and maintain optimal health.

What is Andropause?

Known as "male menopause", men at mid-life are prone to a drop in hormone production just like their female counterparts. Symptoms of a mid-life decline in hormones are usually less recognizable among men than women, but significantly impact our health and functioning.

How do I know if I need hormone replacement?

A review of symptoms with your doctor, along with hormone testing, will determine whether or not you are eligible for testosterone therapy.

What is testosterone injection therapy?

Testosterone injection therapy is the use of regularly scheduled injections to increase the body's own testosterone levels. The frequency of injections varies from weekly to monthly depending on your needs, and brief injection visits are scheduled with our Medical Assistant. You will have appointments with your doctor after the 6th injection, at 6 months and 12 months to discuss lab results and any needed changes to your treatment, and any time you feel you would like to discuss your treatment with your doctor. We also offer BioTE Pellet Therapy as an another option instead of injections, read more about pellet therapy here.

How do I know if I'm on the right dose?

Patients need bloodwork prior to beginning therapy to determine whether a testosterone deficiency exists and to establish a baseline for the various things we want to track: Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, PSA, Estradiol and Cholesterol. Testing will be done for testosterone levels just prior to the 6th injection and at 48 hours after the 6th injection. Your 7th injection will include a visit with the doctor to discuss the lab results and adjust your dose as needed. Subsequent labwork is done again at 6 months and 12 months and these levels will be compared to your baseline during a Lab Results appointment with your doctor.

Regardless of the results of your labs, your symptoms are actually the most important indication of whether and how well therapy is working for you. During your appointments, please let us know about any change in symptoms so we can adjust your therapy accordingly.

Why test for estrogen?

As testosterone increases, it can sometimes convert to estrogen in our bodies. We will monitor your estrogen levels throughout your treatment. In addition, we require the use of an aromatase inhibitor to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Myomin is a natural supplement that will do this for you.

Why test for prostate specific antigen (PSA)?

Testosterone therapy can worsen pre-existing prostate cancer, so a prostate exam and prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels should be reviewed prior to beginning therapy.

Why test for cholesterol?

Cholesterol is one of the raw materials from which hormones are made. Often high cholesterol levels are our body's way of trying to compensate for declining hormones. By balancing out hormones, we reduce the body's need to produce excess cholesterol.

Is testosterone therapy covered by insurance?

Due to the myriad of insurance companies and plans with varying coverage, it is important that you contact your insurance company directly to see if it will be covered. We typically bill for the injection (96372), testosterone (J1070) and phlebotomy (36415) with a diagnosis of hypogonadism (257.2).


Cost varies by dose and the frequency of visits. Billable to insurance.

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